Below is the list of the 143 bird species I have had at OPS in 2013 (easily beating my record of 138 in 2012). (The first 70 are in alphabetic order; then the rest at the bottom, are in order of being added.) I have entered the ‘Patchwork Challenge’ competition - details of which are on the website here . . .
The tables of results for the South West region (last updated at end November) are here . . .
Bar-tailed Godwit |
Bewick's Swan |
Blackbird |
Black-headed Gull |
Blue Tit |
Bullfinch |
Buzzard |
Canada Goose |
Carrion Crow |
Chaffinch |
Collared Dove |
Common Gull |
Coot |
Cormorant |
Curlew |
Dunlin |
Dunnock |
Fieldfare |
Gadwall |
Goldcrest |
Golden Plover |
Goldfinch |
Great Black-backed Gull |
Great Spotted Woodpecker |
Great Tit |
Green Woodpecker |
Greenfinch |
Grey Heron |
Herring Gull |
Jackdaw |
Jay |
Kestrel |
Lapwing |
Lesser Black-backed Gull |
Linnet |
Little Egret |
Long-tailed Tit |
Magpie |
Mallard |
Meadow Pipit |
Mistle Thrush |
Moorhen |
Mute Swan |
Oystercatcher |
Peregrine |
Pied Wagtail |
Redshank |
Redwing |
Reed Bunting |
Ringed Plover |
Robin |
Rock Dove / Feral Pigeon |
Rock Pipit |
Rook |
Shelduck |
Shoveler |
Skylark |
Snipe |
Song Thrush |
Sparrowhawk |
Starling |
Stock Dove |
Stonechat |
Teal |
Tufted Duck |
Turnstone |
Water Rail |
Wigeon |
Woodpigeon |
Wren |
Yellowhammer |
Jack Snipe |
Pochard |
House Sparrow |
Merlin |
Siskin |
Raven |
Pheasant |
Grey Plover |
Little Grebe |
Pintail |
Water Pipit |
Barn Owl |
Tawny Owl |
Treecreeper |
Yellow-legged Gull |
Chiffchaff |
Kingfisher |
Wheatear |
Sand Martin |
Stone-curlew |
Red-legged Partridge |
Garganey |
Mediterranean Gull |
Coal Tit |
Kittiwake |
Little Gull |
Sandwich Tern |
Sanderling |
Knot |
House Martin |
Swallow |
Whimbrel |
Willow Warbler |
Blackcap |
Redstart |
Whitethroat |
Grasshopper Warbler |
Nuthatch |
Common Tern |
Avocet |
Yellow Wagtail |
Sedge Warbler |
Lesser Redpoll |
Common Sandpiper |
Arctic Tern |
Pomarine Skua |
Lesser Whitethroat |
Reed Warbler |
Cuckoo |
Black-tailed Godwit |
Black Tern |
Red Kite |
Whinchat |
Swift |
Greenshank |
Spotted Flycatcher |
Grey Wagtail |
Hawfinch |
Garden Warbler |
Crossbill |
Tree Pipit |
Spotted Redshank |
Hobby |
Curlew Sandpiper |
Grey Phalarope |
Arctic Skua |
Ring Ouzel |
Common Scoter |
Brambling |
Black Redstart |
Cetti's Warbler |
Firecrest |
And below are the other species seen at OPS in 2013 which I have missed (2 of which were on 1st January, when a hang-over prevented me from getting out !). Bringing the OPS 2013 total so far to 151 species (a record number):
Common Crane |
Gannet |
Guillemot |
Pied Flycatcher |
Red-crested Pochard |
Goshawk |
Great Skua |
Turtle Dove |
Last revised: 31 December 2013.