Annual species for last 10 years
An equal record total of 160 species recorded at the site from all-comers in 2024. (See 2024 Species for details.) With my personal total for the site in
2024 on 157 species (just one short of my best). The result of 279 visits (11 less than in 2023).
Average number of species per visit = 37 (5 down on last year - my highest average was 51 in 2006).
Highest number of species in a day was 69 on 17th October (3rd best - top being 78 in April 2019).
Black-throated Diver and Hooded Crow were added to THE OPS list,
but Common Redpoll was removed as it is now treated as a subspecies (so the OPS species count increased by one to 236).
I added a very good 4 species to my OPS list: the above two species, plus Lapland Bunting
and Richard's Pipit (both of these were last seen here in 2010). That puts me on 208.
These 4 Extremely Rare birds plus the equally rare Waxwing made it the equal 2nd best year for these (best was 2021 with 6).
It was a below average year (in the last 19 years) for the number of Very Rare birds, at 3 (best was 9 in 2022, then 7 last year and in 2010),
and along with 7 other Rare birds
that makes 15 Rares, so it was the equal fifth best year for these (best was 18 in 2022 and 17 last year and 2017).
The only 'common' (for OPS) bird not seen this year was Kittiwake, and the other commonest NOT seen were:
Artic Skua, Corn Bunting, Gannet, Greenshank, Little Ringed Plover, Mandarin Duck, Red-legged Partridge and Woodcock (all seen in at least half of the last 10 years).
The other relatively common birds not seen at the site were: Bewick's Swan, Little Owl and Spoonbill (all seen in last 3 years).
The year started very average with 87 species (93 last year) by end of January (and 56 species on the 1st day, same as last 2 years !).
This was due to very mild weather and just one storm.
The lack of species continued through February (just 4 species added, 10-yr average 6), and March (just 6 species added - worst March I have had !); mild and wet weather the cause.
But then spring (April and May) were really good, adding 36 species, compared with just 23 last year (and a 10-yr average of 30).
And June was my best ever, with 85 species seen (beating prev. best 82 last year) and 5 added to the year-list (10-year average of 3).
July and August were below average, though, with just 4 species added. That left me on 142 species for the year so far, 4 species short of my best by this time of year.
Then, the autumn was really good, with 5 species added in September, 3 in October and my best November added another 6.
After that, my total species number was at 156, the best by this time, and only leaving 2 to get in December to equal my best (158 in 2022).
And the all-comers total was on 159 species, the equal highest for end-Nov..
Plus my Patchwork Challenge score was equal to my best at 197 at this stage in the year.
Then in early December I found the Richard's Pipit for 6 points in The Challenge, and beating my previous best total score of 200 (in 2022).
The rest of December was disappointing (like last year) and no more species were added, mainly due to a lack of any cold weather.
So I ended on 157 species, one short of my best. All-comers ended on 160, equal best.
The highlights through the year, were :
Jan - The year started with a bang when a Grey Phalarope landed and floated up the estuary
(but this proved to be the only seabird seen all year, as none of the storms were bad enough to blow them up the estuary), 13 Little Egret the same day equaled the OPS record,
8 Waxwing were photographed by the pond next to Lagoon 2, an Avocet,
a Whooper Swan reported flying upriver, 2 Black Redstart (ad male & fem) all month,
2 Water Pipit on the saltmarsh, a 2nd-year Marsh Harrier made the first of a number of visits in the year,
a Jack Snipe, a Short-eared Owl reported and 3 Cattle Egret stayed in the field by the road for a week.
Feb - The Marsh Harrier again, another Jack Snipe,
up to 3 Black Redstart, a Mediterranean Gull, 13 Stonechat, a Brambling and a Merlin.
Mar - a Raven sitting on a nest, a Red Kite seen a few times, a Merlin again,
the first Knot, Wheatear (15th), Sand Martin (21st), Willow Warbler (28th) and Great White Egret of the year and 76 Golden Plover at Shepperdine
and a Weasel on Lagoon 3.
Apr - the year only really got going this month, starting with a Firecrest singing, 3 Pied Flycatcher giving an OPS record count and earliest date,
4 Sandwich Tern and a 1st-w Little Gull downriver, 2 Grasshopper Warbler 'reeling',
a Common Seal close in and the earliest Whinchat for OPS (13th). All the following migrants also recorded the earliest OPS date: Common Sandpiper (6th), Arctic Tern (9th), Yellow Wagtail (6th) and Whitethroat (4th).
On the 15th a Black-throated Diver went downriver in rain, and a Wood Warbler was heard.
An Arctic Tern on Tidal Res., 2 Great White Egret,
a pair of Goosander, 2 drake Common Scoter,
a juv. Goshawk, a pair of Little Grebe had 4 young and there were 10 duckling Mallard on the lake.
Another Wood Warbler found on Lagoon 3 (and photographed/video'd), the first Hairy Dragonfly for OPS was also photo'd
and the first Cuckoo of the year appeared on 30th.
May - the first Yellow-legged Gull, 11 Tufted Duck was most for 5 years but they didn't nest successfully this year
and a Bar-headed Goose. The Canada Goose pair had 9 young a couple of weeks later than normal, and when just 3 days out of the nest, they walked them 1 km from the lake to the yacht club (for the 4th year) !
A probable Little Tern upriver, a Short-eared Owl,
a Hobby, 2 Great Crested Grebe on the Tidal Res., 4 Cuckoo,
3 Sandwich Tern, a pair of Oystercatcher nested in a demolition site and a pair of Stonechat had 2 young at the yacht club.
A drake Eider on the Tidal Res. was a surprise (only 4th OPS record), as was a Coot on the estuary.
Plus a Brown Argus butterfly and a Slow Worm.
Jun - A Harbour Porpoise at the yacht club had an injury to its back, 3 Crane to SW (and one to NE next day),
7 Avocet and 2 Common Tern.
The pair of Oystercatcher raised 3 young (watching them was my highlight of the year).
The first successful nest of the species at OPS, and the first confirmed wader species to breed here since Lapwing on Lagoon 1 in 1998.
Two Nuthatch (OPS record count), the only Barn Owl of the year,
2 Ringlet butterflies, the Coot pair on the lake raised 2 young (first for 5 years),
the Kestrel pair fledged 4+ juvs from the tower nest and 9 Common Sandpiper at Shepperdine.
Jul - At nearby Cowhill, a Red-legged Partridge was photo'd with 8 chicks, it was an average year for Shelduck broods with 5 totalling 33 juvs.,
I saw my first Great White Egret on the ground (not just flying over) at Oldbury Pill and it had a red leg-ring ('AFC') ringed on a nest at Shapwick Heath in April.
A Mediterranean Gull and the only Garden Warbler of the year.
Aug - 3 Green Sandpiper is the highest count for 17 years, a Kingfisher,
the first Treecreeper, a Sanderling,
a Grasshopper Warbler, and a couple of Black-headed Gulls with leg-rings (one ringed in Berkshire in 2022 and the other at Cotswold Water Park in 2013),
A flock of 18 Arctic Tern downriver, an adult Yellow-legged Gull,
a Redstart, a Hobby,
the earliest returning Black Redstart for OPS (27th), 4 Whinchat (one of which with red leg-ring was ringed at Long Mynd, Shrops. and was seen the day before at Marcle Ridge, Herefordshire!)
Plus Small Red-eyed Damselflies on the lake.
Sep - An Osprey hunted over the Tidal Res. for 2 days,
a drake Common Scoter stayed for 9 days, a Little Stint,
a Great Skua, a Curlew Sandpiper,
a fall of 5 Spotted Flycatcher, the first Ruff,
and a young Field Vole video'd.
Oct - The first Barnacle Goose (with up to 7 seen), another Ruff,
a Merlin, my first Lapland Bunting at OPS called as it flew over,
a pair of Tawny Owl calling, a Common Seal, the latest Hobby for OPS,
a few Brambling over, 2 Great Crested Grebe,
and a Yellow-browed Warbler.
Nov - 2 Dark-bellied Brent Goose with the 7 Barnacle Goose that stayed down towards Littleton;
a Golden Plover, 7 Hawfinch over (6 & 1),
the latest Swallow for OPS roosted in reeds (13th) and 2 Black Redstart returned.
From 20th I had the best 2 weeks I have ever had at OPS for rarities, starting with the equal latest Ring Ouzel for Avon (a 1st-winter bird),
then 5 Egyptian Goose (highest S. Gloucs. count, beating my 4 from last year),
and the first Hooded Crow for OPS. Also, a Crossbill over,
a Green Sandpiper and a Jack Snipe.
Dec - The amazing run ended on 3rd with my first Richard's Pipit at OPS.
The month and year petered out after that, but the Marsh Harrier visited again,
also a Merlin, and up to 3 Treecreeper (equal OPS count).
The finale was a visit by 3 Otter (female and 2 young) which stayed on the lake for 4 days, giving spectacular views.
30/12/24 – 2 Greylag and a Stonechat this morning. Also a Water Rail reported calling on lake.
28/12/24 – Matt Plenty reported: 3 Treecreeper (2 by entrance and another on track to Lagoon 3 - photo below by MP), 2 Chiffchaff, a Coal Tit and a Greylag with Canada Goose flock.
24/12/24 – 5 Snipe were the best today, but LOOK AT THE PHOTOS from Rob Jenner of 3 OTTERS in the lake, below on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th !! (They seem to have moved on now, as the Moorhens and Coot have returned to the lake - they disappeared while the Otters were here.)
23/12/24 – 1+ Treecreeper in same place.
21/12/24 – 2 Treecreeper, 2 Goldcrest and a Chiffchaff with a Long-tailed Tit flock along the track to Lagoon 3.
20/12/24 – 2 Redpoll in small trees by lake.
18/12/24 – A male Tawny Owl calling late afternoon.
17/12/24 – At Pillhead Gout, HT roost this morning: an OPS record count of 30 Oystercatcher, 1 Grey Plover, c150 Curlew, 2 Snipe, 80+ Canada Goose, 1 Greylag and c500 Dunlin. Also, 3 Stonechat (pr x yacht club, m x L3), and on Mistletoe in the Anchor Inn car park, a Blackcap and 2 Mistle Thrush.
16/12/24 – Andy Middleton reported: 2 Otter in the lake around midday, 156 Wigeon, 39 Teal, 40 Mallard, 45 Redshank, 34 Snipe and 150 Dunlin.
14/12/24 – Rob Jenner took these stunning photos of a mother + 2 cub Otter in the lake today and yesterday !
13/12/24 – The Otter again on the lake at dawn for 5 mins.. A Yellowhammer at Lagoon 1 outfall; a Greylag with 52 Canada Goose and c70 Meadow Pipit in fields to SW of L3; and c90 Redwing and c20 Chaffinch feeding on Lagoon 1. Rob Jenner photo'd the male Black Redstart.
12/12/24 – A Merlin and 4 Pintail (3m, 1f) at Pillhead Gout at dawn. And an Otter on the lake with a fish in its mouth at 10am (last seen here in Nov. 2022) - video.
10/12/24 – AM reported: a juv. Marsh Harrier, a male Black Redstart, 2 Peregrine, 20 Snipe, 1000 Dunlin, 38 Redshank, 215 Lapwing, 45 Turnstone, 200 Common Gull (in field over road from the lake), 14 Fieldfare, 95 Wigeon, 12 Teal, 54 Canada Goose, 17 Wren and 3 Ecologists surveying Lagoon 3. MP also reported 2 Redpoll in trees by lake.
6/12/24 – A male Pintail upriver with 6 Shoveler this morning, and the female-type Black Redstart in the waterworks again.
5/12/24 – 3 Shoveler (2m, 1f) downriver and at Pillhead Gout: c200 Curlew, 1 Grey Plover and 2 Ringed Plover.
4/12/24 – The 2nd-year male Marsh Harrier again over Lagoon 3 this evening, a fem-type Black Redstart at the waterworks and a Mistle Thrush. Plus 3 Peregrine (ad + 2 juv) reported on pylons, and the ad male Black Redstart reported near jetty by Morris Benson.
3/12/24 – A Richard's Pipit was with the sheep near Pillhead Gout this morning. First heard at 8:35am but not found until 8:45am and it only stayed until 8:52am, when it flew to SW. Some video. Only the 12th for S. Gloucs. and my 208th OPS species. The last one was at OPS in 2010 (although a probable was reported over in 2014). (#157 species for me at OPS this year, and #160 for all-comers.)
Look at those crazy long legs !
2/12/24 – Andy Middleton reported, at Pillhead Gout, HT: 223 Curlew, 3 Bar-tailed Godwit and 2 Grey Plover.
30/11/24 – A Crossbill heard going over to NE,
a Green Sandpiper flew inland from the reedbed by the squeaky gate, 1+ Redpoll in bushes on Lagoon 2,
the ad male Black Redstart near the jetty, a Greylag to SW, a flock of c200 Woodpigeon to E and 42 Stock Dove over (30,3,9).
95 species this month - my best November.
(#156 species for me at OPS this year, and #159 for all-comers.)
A Redwing on Lagoon 2.
29/11/24 – Andy Middleton reported: 1 Jack Snipe, 49 Snipe, 1 Gadwall, 17 Teal, 26 Wigeon, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Stonechat, 100 Common Gull and 4 Little Egret. Also a Peregrine sat in a tree (unusually) at Shepperdine this evening.
28/11/24 – A heavy frost (-2 Deg. C) and freezing fog on the estuary. c60 Canada Goose roosted on the Tidal res., a Redpoll over and 10 Bullfinch (6 on Lagoon 2). A Black Redstart was reported.
27/11/24 – A Water Rail swimming along the margin of the brim-full lake. And a murmuration of 700+ Starling over Lagoon 2 reedbed at dusk.
26/11/24 – A Hooded Crow was found feeding on the seaweed at Shepperdine at 8:50am. It stayed for 15 minutes, but was then hassled by a Carrion Crow and flew inland to south. A new species for OPS (the 237th) and my 207th OPS species. Some video. Only the 8th for S. Gloucs., but the second this year (following one at Severnside). (#155 species for me at OPS this year, my equal best by end of Nov., and #158 for all-comers.) Also a Brambling heard (not sure if flew over or in trees on L1). And Lagoon 1 has water in it, but only 5 Mallard and a Curlew.
22/11/24 – A 2nd-year male Marsh Harrier flew in from SW and quartered Lagoon 3 briefly.
It is a challenge to sex and age Marsh Harriers as they fly through, but this one has a grey tail, so it is male.
21/11/24 – 5 Egyptian Goose upriver this morning, into a cold (1 deg C) NE wind.
A S. Glos. record count (beating the 4 I had here last November!). Now recorded at the site in 6 of the last 7 years. But they were rare before that, with only 2 records (2002 - the first for S. Glos. by AM and 2006).
There were 7 Redpoll and 1+ Siskin in trees on Lagoon 2, and the hedge-bashing (widening the path) there attracted 25 Blackbird, 5 Song Thrush, 5 Redwing and 10 Robin (and probably attracted the Ring Ouzel, but not refound).
Also, an OPS record count of 29 Oystercatcher.
(#154 species for me at OPS this year, and #157 for all-comers.)
20/11/24 – This afternoon, a 1st-winter Ring Ouzel was by the shore on Lagoon 2, then flew along shore to Lagoon 1 (and lost when it flew back again).
Found thanks to its distinctive 'chak' call; Fieldfare-like but not as harsh. It is the equal latest recorded date for Avon (from 1986). Here's a video.
(#153 species for me at OPS this year, and #156 for all-comers.)
19/11/24 – A Merlin gave a spectacular show attacking the HT Dunlin flock at the yacht club, and the Golden Plover still there with c100 Lapwing and c600 Dunlin. Then it started to snow and the 1 Deg C at dawn dropped to zero.
18/11/24 – A male Peregrine (probably juv.) chased a Kestrel that went from the tower out over the estuary (unusually). It put in a concerted attack for a few minutes with multiple dives at it, then gave up. Also 12 Bullfinch today (inc. flock of 6 on Lagoon 3) and 3 Rock Pipit at the yacht club. Also the latest singing Chiffchaff for OPS (beating 15/11/2003).
17/11/24 – The 2 Black Redstart reported and a possible Jack Snipe. Andy Middleton's WeBS: 101 Wigeon, 15 Teal, 2 Gadwall, 45 Mallard, 170 Curlew, 12 Snipe, 155 Lapwing, 41 Redshank, 120 Dunlin, 70 Turnstone, 2 Little Grebe, 6 Coot, 13 Moorhen and 5 Grey Heron.
13/11/24 – 2 Black Redstart this afternoon (adult male on jetty and fem-type near waterworks from Lagoon 2), and the latest ever Swallow for OPS (by one day, after a bird in 2011) going to roost with c100 Pied Wagtail in the reedbed on Lagoon 2. Also 3 Grey Goose sp. flew across Lagoon 2 to NE just before dusk. Dark wings and no obvious orange bill, so definitely not Greylag. Probably White-fronted Goose, but went behind trees before full id.
12/11/24 – Vismig, 7:15-9:30am (to NE early, then to E), minimums: 650 Woodpigeon, 500 Fieldfare, 515 Redwing, 300 Starling, 110 Chaffinch, 7 Redpoll (inc. 6 that flew up from Lagoon 2), 1 Brambling, 4 Bullfinch, 7 Skylark, 9 Lapwing, 4 Siskin and 4 Stock Dove.
11/11/24 – Vismig still going to NE, and a Hawfinch over at 8:43am, calling, with c20 Fieldfare. (Managed to get the photo below as it flew away, and some video.) Also 3 Siskin and a Yellowhammer (to E) over, and a rare 4-goose day: 7 Barnacle Goose at Littleton with 13 Canada Goose, 2 Brent Goose (Dark-bellied) flying around estuary and 2 Greylag over to S. The lake was even better this morning, with 30 Wigeon, the 3 Gadwall, a Little Grebe and 26 Moorhen with 5 more at Oldbury Pill giving an OPS record count of 31 Moorhen (beating 29 from 2018). 67 species seen this morning.
9/11/24 – Vismig, 7:05-10am (mainly to NE): 292 Starling, 145 Woodpigeon, 267 Chaffinch,
1 Redpoll, 12 Redwing, 26 Fieldfare, 1 Brambling,
1 Golden Plover,
6 Hawfinch (flock lowish to NE at 9:04, calling),
5 Bullfinch, 1 Skylark, 60 Lapwing, 4 Meadow Pipit, 2 Snipe, 11 Goldfinch,
5 Greenfinch (+24 out of roost at dawn) and a lovely male Marsh Harrier that flew in and then sat on a hedge for an hour.
Mike Prior reported the adult male Black Redstart again.
(#152 species for me at OPS this year, and #155 for all-comers.)
8/11/24 – The lake is good at present: 3 Gadwall (2m, 1f), 20 Wigeon, 25 Moorhen, 6 Coot and a Mute Swan.
5/11/24 – Vismig totals (birds to E, heading inland): 277 Starling (+200 feeding), 220 Woodpigeon, 136 Chaffinch, 5 Siskin, 3 Redpoll (to S), c20 Redwing, just 1 Fieldfare (!), 1 Brambling, 1 Golden Plover (found by Matt, flying around estuary), 13 Linnet and 11 Greylag upriver. Also 6 Barnacle Goose at Littleton, 33 Canada Goose, another Greylag and c400 Dunlin (c300 at Littleton, c100 at yacht club). Also, 5 Cetti's Warbler around Lagoon 3 (3 calling together, inc. 2 seen well, and 2 more calling in different places). 60 species seen this morning. Matt Plenty had 3 Brent Goose (Dark-bellied) at Littleton, but not visible in murk from the OPS patch.
4/11/24 – Andy Middleton reported: 2 Brent Goose (Dark-bellied) at Pillhead Gout (then drifted downriver, and later at Littleton), the Black Redstart again (but elusive), a Red Kite over, 44 Wigeon, 115 Turnstone, 70 Lapwing, 2 Ringed Plover and 350 Dunlin. Also, the 7 Barnacle Goose still.
2/11/24 – The first Brent Goose (Dark-bellied) of the year at Littleton,
with the 7 Barnacle Goose, 17 Canada Goose and c300 Dunlin.
A male Marsh Harrier went low along the shore at Pillhead Gout, to SW; a lovely adult male Black Redstart on the jetty
(nice video) and 3 juv. Mute Swan to NE. Other vismig: 500+ Woodpigeon (inc. a flock of 287 to NE), 250 Starling and my first 4 Fieldfare (high to SW).
61 species seen this morning.
(#151 species for me at OPS this year, and #154 for all-comers.)
1/11/24 – 17 Black-tailed Godwit on the shore at Shepperdine and the pair of Gadwall on the lake.
31/10/24 – The 7 Barnacle Goose were back at Littleton, and c50 Canada Goose flew to SW (plus 25 on shore). Also 3 Greylag to SW at dawn and a white one at Pillhead Gout in mist (there are 4 of them that live on the far side of the estuary).
28/10/24 – Matt Plenty reported a Great White Egret flying inland at Pillhead Gout and 6 Barnacle Goose still at Littleton.
22/10/24 – A Yellow-browed Warbler was with 4 Goldcrest and 2 Chiffchaff among a tit flock
in trees at the S corner of Lagoon 2 (then moved along the muddy track towards the car park). One was last here in 2016, and I found the first for the site in 2012.
(They originated in Siberia, but have been expanding westward into northern Europe, and there has been a large invasion into UK this autumn.)
Also a Great White Egret on the shore just SW of the Tidal Reservoir.
21/10/24 – WeBS count over HT: 6 Coot, 4 Cormorant, 52 Curlew, 25 Dunlin (only),
3 Gadwall (pr on lake + male on shore), 2 Great Crested Grebe
(floating up middle of river as tide came in), 7 Grey Heron,
1 Grey Wagtail, 1 Kingfisher (Oldbury sluice), 54 Lapwing, 2 Little Egret, 80 Mallard,
28 Moorhen (one short of OPS record ! 27 on lake, 1 Oldbury Pill), 1 Mute Swan, 26 Oystercatcher, 51 Redshank,
3 Shelduck, just 3 Teal, 65 Turnstone, 64 Wigeon and 6 Barnacle Goose at Littleton.
And a few more things (mainly vismig, over to SW): 4 Brambling, 32 Chaffinch,
5 Bullfinch, 6 Reed Bunting, 30+ Meadow Pipit, just 3 Redwing,
1 Siskin, 8 Skylark, 75 Starling, 5 Raven and 5 Stonechat.
19/10/24 – The 7 Barnacle Goose again at Littleton.
18/10/24 – Seemingly similar conditions to yesterday, but vismig not as good from 7:30-10am (breeze more from S, birds mainly to SW):
1 Brambling (over to SW), 51 Chaffinch, 15 Greenfinch, 25 Jackdaw,
1 Mistle Thrush, 140 Redwing, 6 Siskin (to E), 11 Skylark,
2 Song Thrush, 190 Starling, a Great White Egret to NE and 3 Snipe.
7 Barnacle Goose were at Littleton,
and the first Rock Pipit and Water Rail (heard, Lagoon 3) of the winter..
Also 2 Little Grebe on the lake.
17/10/24 – Excellent vismig 9-11am, in sun and into warm SW/SSW breeze:
2 Brambling 6 Bullfinch, 163 Chaffinch, a Chiffchaff singing on a pylon wire !, c20 Goldfinch,
a fem. GS Woodpecker flew in and preened on a pylon wire, 9 Greenfinch, 2 Grey Wagtail, 14 Jackdaw, 1 Redpoll,
only a couple of Meadow Pipit, 3 Mistle Thrush (no Fieldfare), 4 Peregrine (3 together, probably a pair + juv. interacting -
video), 3 Pied Wagtail, 1771 Redwing (flocks up to 120), 5 Siskin, 21 Skylark (+ 1 still singing over field),
2 Song Thrush, 2 Sparrowhawk, 229 Starling and 2 Stock Dove (no Woodpigeon flocks).
HT roost, yacht club to Littleton: 260 Curlew, 22 Oystercatcher, 3 Ringed Plover, 50+ Dunlin and 65+ Turnstone.
Also a Wheatear and 6 Stonechat. 2 Black Redstart (m & f) reported by Heather England and stunning Green Woodpecker photo below by HE.
16/10/24 – 20 Cormorant this morning, inc. this flock of 14 that circled over the Tidal Res. in drizzle and then went upriver.
15/10/24 – The Barnacle Goose was at Littleton, and 52 Canada Goose flew upriver from there. Pillhead Gout: 2 Black-tailed Godwit, 13 Lapwing, 10 Oystercatcher and c140 Curlew. A Kingfisher perched on the Anchor Inn bridge at dawn. A Wheatear at the yacht club and 7 Stonechat (pr + m at yacht club, 4m on L3/shore). An influx of 13 migrant Song Thrush, but not much vismig: 4 Siskin, 15 Redwing, 5 Skylark.
14/10/24 – Matt Plenty had the latest Hobby for OPS flying S over yacht club. Prev. latest was 7/10/2012.
13/10/24 – Tony Krajewski photographed this Common Seal at Shepperdine over high tide.
12/10/24 – A pair of Tawny Owl calling continuously just before sunrise; 50 Redwing and a Siskin over; 2 Gadwall (fem. and eclipse male) and 19 Moorhen on the lake.
11/10/24 – 3 Pintail at HT (m + 2f).
10/10/24 – A Lapland Bunting flying around the NE corner of Lagoon 1 at 9am,
calling "tu,... tu,...prrrrrrt". (Some Meadow Pipits had just flown up from saltmarsh, but not sure if it was with them, or happened to be passing over.)
It was joined by a second similar bird, and last seen heading upriver and then to N, into cool wind. A new species at OPS for me (my 206th OPS species) and last reported in 2010 (on 14th Oct).
(#149 species for me at OPS this year, and #152 for all-comers.)
9/10/24 – 7 Little Egret in a flooded field. Louise Bailey reported a Black Redstart around the reedbed on the shore by Lagoon 3.
8/10/24 – The Barnacle Goose floated upriver from the yacht club as the tide came in; 58 Canada Goose and a Greylag roosted on the Tidal Res. overnight; 18 House Martin and 12 Swallow over cow field between showers. Up to HT at Pillhead Gout: a Merlin, 22 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 29 Lapwing, 65 Turnstone and c140 Curlew, but only 1 Dunlin ! Also 26 Oystercatcher roosting at Littleton, and c35 Black-tailed Godwit and a Ruff high over to E/NE. A Mute Swan on The Pill by the sluice (absent from the lake), and 2 more flew to NE.
7/10/24 – Andy Middleton reported: the Barnacle Goose with a Canada Goose at Pillhead Gout, 3 Black-tailed Godwit, 29 Lapwing, 1 Snipe, 1 Swallow, 3 Stonechat, 37 Meadow Pipit and 6 Jay.
5/10/24 – The first Barnacle Goose of the year on the estuary at Shepperdine,
5 Redwing over calling, 2 Mistle Thrush (Shepperdine), 6 Skylark (one still singing). A couple of 'heard only' at dawn - a male Tawny Owl in Oldbury village and a Kingfisher on The Pill.
At the yacht club:
a Whinchat still, a probable Water Pipit over calling then went down on saltmarsh to SW,
6 Black-tailed Godwit, 85 Turnstone (unusual here), c100 Dunlin and 22 Lapwing (increase).
A very good 68 species this morning, but no Canada Geese seen and just one (ad male) Blackcap.
(#148 species for me at OPS this year, and #151 for all-comers.)
4/10/24 – A Nuthatch heard by the entrance, 7 House Martin around the towers and 6 Black-tailed Godwit on the shore.
3/10/24 – A big count of 20 Moorhen this morning, including 6 on Oldbury Pill (just above the sluice). And some vismig into cold NE wind: 130 Redwing (a flock of 100, & a Mistle Thrush, flew in and landed in trees at Shepperdine), 15 Skylark, 7 Chaffinch, 2 Jay (high) and 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker flying, looking likely migrants. Also, a Buzzard very high to SE at dawn and 9 Cormorant to SW. The only interest on the estuary was provided by a Shoveler.
28/9/24 – 10 Greylag highish to NE at 7:30am. And a juvenile Field Vole (video). (Tiny, just 5cm long.) Barry Dursley reported 3 Coal Tit.
26/9/24 – 6 Coot on the lake this morning.
25/9/24 – A Whinchat still at the yacht club. Also 3 Wheatear, 3 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Skylark, 130+ Swallow and 12+ House Martin.
24/9/24 – A Kingfisher on the lake this morning, with 18 Moorhen, 5 Coot, a Little Grebe and the lone Mute Swan. A Reed Warbler on L3 was the only other thing of note.
A Ringed Plover feeding on the slipway in pouring rain.
23/9/24 – Combined totals for Andy Middleton and me, this morning in continuous rain: 7 Stonechat (5 x yacht club, 2 x jetty saltmarsh), 1 Curlew Sandpiper (seawall/Shepperdine), c110 Dunlin, c40 Ringed Plover, 6 Wigeon, 2 Teal, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 2 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Lapwing, 81 Curlew, 6 Little Egret and 86 Mallard.
19/9/24 – Vismig, 8-10am (all low to NE, into cold wind): 544 Swallow, 46 House Martin, 1 Sand Martin,
3 Meadow Pipit, 2 Skylark and a Greenfinch. Also a Kingfisher flew down the estuary and then up Oldbury Pill (almost certainly a juv dispersing).
Over HT: the first Ruff of the year with 39 Redshank, a Sanderling and a Curlew Sandpiper (seawall then yacht club),
c90 Dunlin, 30+ Ringed Plover, 13 Wigeon, 3 Pintail and 21 Teal.
Also 5 Coot still.
(#147 species for me at OPS this year, and #150 for all-comers.)
17/9/24 – Combined totals for Andy Middleton, Matt Plenty and me, this morning:
3 Whinchat (yacht club), 6 Stonechat (3+ x yacht club, 3 x jetty saltmarsh), 1 Wheatear;
1 Sanderling and a Curlew Sandpiper (seawall/Shepperdine),
116 Dunlin, c90 Ringed Plover, 40 Redshank, c50 Turnstone, 1 Common Sandpiper (yacht club), 1 Gadwall, 10 Wigeon,
2 Pintail and 2 Sedge Warbler. Also a 5th Coot (adult) on the lake being chased around.
A White-tailed Eagle flew downriver at about 11:45am ! (It was seen at Slimbridge this morning, then flew SW over Sharpness at 11:35am and reached Aust at 12:00.)
16/9/24 – 12 Stonechat this morning (4 x yacht club, pair x jetty saltmarsh, 6 x field inland of L2); a Whinchat still at yacht club, also a Wheatear there;
and an Avocet at Pillhead Gout.
Tony Krajewski got good photos of a Sanderling and a Curlew Sandpiper on the seawall over the evening tide.
15/9/24 – The Common Scoter reported by Matt Plenty.
14/9/24 – A 'fall' of Spotted Flycatcher this morning with a total of 5 -
one in trees at S end L3 at 7:30am; one flew down from height, calling (high pitched) and flew around NW (shore) end of L2 and came down in trees; then 3 in trees on NE side of L2 (may be up to 5 here - extremely mobile).
The Common Scoter still off Lagoon 1.
(#146 species for me at OPS this year, and #149 for all-comers.)
Spotted Flycatchers a bit desperate for food - even one on ground.
13/9/24 – A Curlew Sandpiper with c30 Dunlin and c50 Ringed Plover at Shepperdine. 2 Whinchat and 3+ Stonechat still in the boat yard at the yacht club; and the Common Scoter is still on the Tidal Res, off Lagoon 1.
12/9/24 – The Common Scoter is still on the Tidal Res, off Lagoon 1.
10/9/24 – The Common Scoter is still on the Tidal Res, off Lagoon 1.
9/9/24 – The Common Scoter is still on the Tidal Res, off Lagoon 1 as tide incoming. (Apart from 2 in April, the last Scoter here was in 2021, when a drake was first seen on 12th Aug, and then stayed from 16th to 25th Sept, off Pillhead Gout.) Also, 2 Yellow Wagtail and a Whinchat (yacht club). 8 Little Egret have started roosting in the small wood between Lagoon 3 and yacht club.
8/9/24 – A juv. Little Stint was in the HT roost at the yacht club,
the drake Common Scoter was still diving on the Tidal Res. (photo by Lois Price below),
3 Shoveler flew from the lake and 4 Peregrine seen together and being very vocal - an adult male + 3 juvs. (2m & a large female).
Andy Middleton reported a Great Skua upriver hassling other birds at 8:50am,
130 Canada Goose, 7 Common Gull, 14 Chiffchaff, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Whitethroat and the first 4 Wigeon of autumn.
(#145 species for me at OPS this year, and #148 for all-comers.)
7/9/24 – The Osprey stayed for an unprecedented 2nd day.
First seen at 8:15am, when it was chased downriver by 2 Peregrine - see this video. It later circuited the Tidal Res. until 9:15am, then went upriver.
A drake Common Scoter was by the yacht club at dawn, then flew to Tidal Res., where it dived for food, coming very close to the bank by Lagoon 1 (video).
Walking round Lagoon 3, a Grasshopper Warbler perched up in a bush, giving unusually good views (video) - the latest ever at OPS by some way (beating 22/07/2023).
Yacht club at HT: 4 Avocet, 200 Ringed Plover, 75 Dunlin and a Whinchat.
Jetty area: juv. Black Redstart, a Wheatear and 3 Stonechat (and one at yacht club). Total of 8 Common Sandpiper, and 25 Teal.
(A very good total of 67 species seen, but none new for year.)
Andy Middleton reported a Hobby, a Whinchat and 2 Wheatear at Shepperdine.
6/9/24 – An Osprey circuiting the Tidal Res. for 30 minutes from 3:20pm, did a couple of aborted dives, then went upriver (Video). It flushed the ducks, including 2 Shoveler and a Teal. (Plus a male Gadwall on the lake). A juv. Curlew Sandpiper was with 50 Ringed Plover and 30 Dunlin on the Tidal res. shore. And a Wheatear and 2 Stonechat (fem. + juv) on the jetty. (#144 species for me at OPS this year, and #146 for all-comers.)
3/9/24 – Andy Middleton reported: 157 Ringed Plover, 22 Dunlin, 106 Curlew, 15 Redshank, 13 Oystercatcher, 1 Common Sandpiper, 3 Wheatear, 2 Whinchat, 1 Stonechat, 35 Swallow and 30 House Martin.
29/8/24 – There were 3 Whinchat at the yacht club this morning (all definitely unringed !), with 4 Stonechat (pair + 2 juv). Around the site (mainly Lagoon 2): 30+ Blackcap (13 in single flock), 8 Lesser Whitethroat 5 Whitethroat, 2 Willow Warbler, 1 Cetti's Warbler, 3 Sedge Warbler (2 x L3, 1 x yacht club) and 2 Yellow Wagtail (1 x to SW 1 x yacht club).
I got all 3 Whinchat in the same bush (3rd is right at bottom, to R of centre).
28/8/24 – At the yacht club this afternoon were 2 Whinchat, one of which had a red ring on leg reading '?8', and was seen at Marcle Ridge, Herefordshire yesterday (!) and was ringed around Long Mynd, Shropshire. (Heather England managed to get a photo - below.) Also 1+ Stonechat. HE also reported: 2 Wheatear, 1 Lesser Whitethroat and a Common Sandpiper.
27/8/24 – The earliest Black Redstart for OPS was on the jetty fence this morning (a juvenile). (Previous earliest was 9th October 2022!) Also, 2 Yellow Wagtail (one over to SW and another on the seawall), 6 Little Egret, 2 Lapwing, c100 Ringed Plover, c100 Dunlin, 20+ Swallow, 4 House Martin, 1 Sand Martin and 2 Stonechat (ad m & juv). And 2 Peregrine mobbed/attacked a Grey Heron over the lake, but it gained height and escaped.
26/8/24 – Heather England photo'd a Whinchat at the yacht club, and also reported 28 Redshank.
25/8/24 – 3 Wheatear.
21/8/24 – This afternoon, a Hobby flew from Lagoon 2 around the towers then headed NE. And a Treecreeper again. (#142 species for me at OPS this year, and #144 for all-comers.)
20/8/24 – A rainy High tide this morning: 7 Little Egret, 1 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Lapwing, 17 Redshank, just 5 Ringed Plover (and not a single Dunlin !), a Kingfisher in Oldbury village, a Wheatear by the sluice, c110 Swallow, 5 House Martin and a Sand Martin. Heather England reported a Migrant Hawker dragonfly.
Just a guy with a dog rowing out to his yacht.
19/8/24 – This afternoon, a single flock of 17 Long-tailed Tit; and 5 Little Egret.
This morning Jon Angel reported the male Redstart again in same place.
Andy Middleton's WeBS count: 104 Mallard, 73 Canada Goose, 1 Little Grebe, 5 Grey Heron, 63 Turnstone, 22 Ringed Plover,
15 Redshank, 1 Lapwing, 2 Peregrine and 130 Swallow.
18/8/24 – Heather England reported a male Redstart over the Pill from yacht club, 2 Kestrel, 13 Redshank and 2 Lapwing (photos by HE below). Matt Plenty reported from Shepperdine: 48 Turnstone, 54 Ringed Plover, 3 Dunlin, 1 Knot and 41 Mallard.
16/8/24 – Shepperdine, HT: a Sanderling, 71 Ringed Plover and 26 Dunlin. Lots of Small Red-eyed Damselflies by the lake.
15/8/24 – A flock of 18 Arctic Tern flew low downriver at 7am, gaining height after the yacht club to go over the Severn Bridges. An adult Yellow-legged Gull on the Tidal Res. sandbank, and 2 Willow Warbler along main rhine.
14/8/24 – Two Peregrine flying around the towers - a juvenile female (below) and a male.
13/8/24 – Very quiet this morning, but Black-headed Gull '24X1' was again on the shore by Lagoon 1, and I have finally received the ringing info. (from 18th July).
It was ringed in a nest on 11th June 2022 at Hosehill Lake, West Berkshire. The other gull seen the same day ('27H1') was ringed in a nest at Cotswold Water Park on 10th June 2013, so is 11 years old.
Andy Middleton reported, at Shepperdine: a juv. Wheatear, 12 Dunlin, 46 Ringed Plover, and a Sand Martin and Little Grebe on the lake.
12/8/24 – Over HT: 1+ Sanderling, c55 Ringed Plover, 55+ Dunlin and 45+ Turnstone.
The first Treecreeper of the year in oak along main rhine this morning.
And a few migrants: Grasshopper Warbler reeling Lagoon 3, 4 Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Whitethroat, 3 Reed Warbler, 2 Sedge Warbler and a Tree Pipit to SW.
Plus a Knot on the Tidal Res. shore.
(#141 species for me at OPS this year, and #144 for all-comers.)
Plus, this rare 'Tigow'.
8/8/24 – A Kingfisher flying upriver on Oldbury Pill; 7 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper on the shore. Also 5 Stonechat on yacht club saltmarsh - a female with 4 juvs; probably a second brood.
6/8/24 – At Shepperdine before HT this morning: 2 juv. Yellow Wagtail on the fence, 3 Mistle Thrush in trees, 2 Whimbrel, 1 Common Sandpiper, 3 Dunlin, Curlew with ring '21', 17 Turnstone, c90 Swallow and 3 Sand Martin.
1/8/24 – 3 Green Sandpiper on the shore between Lagoon 3 and yacht club as the tide dropped this morning. (They are seen annually, usually flushed from the Pill, but the last time I had more than one was 2/8/2007 - when there was still a patch of open water on Lagoon 3).
There was another juv. Great White Egret (unringed) on the shore by Lagoon 3, and a dark Tufted Duck (or hybrid) flew in from downriver and landed at the mouth of the Pill before going upriver.
(That is #140 species for me at OPS this year, and #143 for all-comers.)
29/7/24 – 2 juv Teal on the shore, 17 Dunlin (Shepperdine) and 7 Turnstone on the green buoy. Andy Middleton also reported: 2 Lapwing, and a Greylag Goose.
27/7/24 – The first Garden Warbler of the year and a juv. Willow Warbler with a large tit flock along the bridleway to SE of Lagoon 2. Also 3 Lesser Whitethroat and 5 Whitethroat about, and 9 Black-tailed Godwit on the shore by Lagoon 1.
(#139 species for me at OPS this year, and #142 for all-comers.)
26/7/24 – A Southern Hawker dragonfly this afternoon.
A White Stork was reported at Shepperdine on the mudflats on Wednesday 24th July evening (per John Riddiford and theglosterbirder). It was stood on a roof at Gloucester docks on Tuesday 23rd July and is one of 20 free-flying storks from Wild Zoological Park, Bobbington, near Birmingham.
25/7/24 – 45 Dunlin, 10 Oystercatcher (inc. the 3 juvs. which are nearing adult plumage - see photo), 5 Little Egret and a female and 2 juv Stonechat at the yacht club.
24/7/24 – Matt Plenty reported at Pillhead Gout: 27 Dunlin (including 1 juv), 1 Yellow Wagtail and 3 Common Sandpiper (in the Pill).
23/7/24 – Pillhead Gout over HT: a Mediterranean Gull with 517 Black-headed Gull (and another 300 at Littleton), 30 Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Common Sandpiper, 5 Redshank and a Whimbrel (heard). Also 10 Oystercatcher (inc. the 3 juvs. which are flying now) and the male Stonechat at the yacht club.
22/7/24 – 2 juvenile Stonechat in the demolition site.
21/7/24 – Andy Middleton reported: 31 Curlew, 79 Mallard, 9 Grey Heron, 59 Canada Goose, and 250 Black-headed Gull.
18/7/24 – The Great White Egret was on Oldbury Pill again - and it has a red leg-ring 'AFC' - it is the first sighting of a male, ringed in the nest on Shapwick Heath, Somerset, on 16th April 2024, one of a brood of three. It fledged only in late June !
(I also read the ring on a Black-headed Gull - '27H1' and another yesterday '24X1'.) A Grey Heron caught a Bass.
There were some waders at Pillhead Gout/Littleton over the HT: a Turnstone, 23 Dunlin, 5 Black-tailed Godwit, 40 Curlew and 5 Redshank.
This afternoon Heather England reported some dragonflies: 2 Ruddy Darter, Emperor, Broad-bodied Chaser, Black-tailed Skimmer, Small Red-eyed Damselfly and Blue-tailed Damselfly.
The Great White Egret 'AFC' and when it was being ringed in the nest ! (Thanks Bob Medland!).
17/7/24 – 2 Common Gulls and Black-headed Gull '24X1'.
16/7/24 – A Great White Egret stalking in the reeds above the sluice of Oldbury Pill early morning - my first on the ground, after 35 fly-bys (going back to 2015). Also 2 Common Sandpiper and a Whimbrel.
15/7/24 – A Whimbrel flew to S over the lake, calling and 2 Redshank on the shore. And 3 of the juv. Kestrels still around.
11/7/24 – A brood of 10 large Shelduck are new-in, and able to fly. See table below for how this year compares. Also 8 Grey Heron today, 6 of which roosted in a field at Shepperdine (including 3 juvs.). The 3 Oystercatcher juvs. are growing fast and are starting to have some orange in their bills.
Year |
No. of broods |
No. hatched |
No. survived |
First brood |
Last juvs noted |
2024 |
5 |
35 |
33 |
31st May |
11th Jul+ |
2023 |
9 |
73 |
60 |
17th May |
12th Jul+ |
2022 |
4 |
32 |
13 |
12th May |
14th Aug |
2021 |
6 |
41 |
34 |
18th May |
6th Jul |
2020 |
4 |
28 |
17 |
29th May |
18th Jul |
2019 |
c5 |
38 |
21 |
10th Jun |
24th Aug |
2018 |
5+ |
40 |
16 |
16th May |
6th Aug (3) |
2017 |
c3 |
31+ |
16 |
24th May |
30th Jul |
2016 |
4 |
24 |
3+ |
3rd Jun |
6th Aug |
2015 |
3 |
13 |
6 |
2nd Jun |
29th Jul |
2014 |
4 |
29 |
19 |
21st Jun |
22nd Jul |
2013 |
4+ |
22+ |
9 |
12th Jun |
27th Jul |
2012 |
2+ |
16+ |
4 |
7th Jun |
19th Jul |
2011 |
2+ |
10+ |
2 |
12th Jun |
29th Aug |
2010 |
3+ |
32 |
10+ |
3rd Jun |
24th Jul |
2009 |
2+ |
18+ |
16+ |
23rd May |
12th Jul |
2008 |
c5 |
48 |
9+ |
20th Jun |
18th Jul |
2007 |
4+ |
33 |
27 |
13th May |
29th Jul |
2006 |
3+ |
30 |
13+ |
27th May |
25th Aug |
2005 |
3+ |
27+ |
18 |
10th Jul |
2004 |
2+ |
10+ |
9+ |
18th Jul |
9/7/24 – This morning in the rain: 9 Bar-tailed Godwit on the shore at Shepperdine and 3 Black-tailed Godwit on shore by waterworks (all in summer plumage). Also, 2 Stonechat (ad + juv) by L3, the 3 juv Oystercatcher still and the Coots still have 2 juvs.
8/7/24 – Andy Middleton reported: 7 Dunlin, 3 Redshank, 2 Curlew and a Common Sandpiper before HT at Shepperdine. And 2 Black-tailed Godwit and 5 Redshank at the yacht club.
6/7/24 – The Oystercatcher pair still have 3 growing juvs. (on the jetty at HT) and a 2nd-summer Common Gull with 170 Black-headed Gull at the yacht club.
4/7/24 – A few waders at HT: 1 Dunlin, 3 Common Sandpiper and 16 Curlew. Also, 8 Raven on saltmarsh opposite yacht club and 2 Sedge Warbler in the reedbed by the squeaky gate.
2/7/24 – A Great White Egret flew from S, and a Red Kite to NE. Also 2 Black-tailed Skimmer dragonfly and Borage flowering at the yacht club. And this evening Chris Tymko photo'd (see below) a Red-legged Partridge with 8+ chicks at Cowhill, Oldbury on Severn !
30/6/24 – A flock of 9 Common Sandpiper flew into the Shepperdine shore at HT. And at least 4 (probably 5) Kestrel have fledged and are noisily pursuing the parents around the towers. Andy Middleton counted 184 Black-headed Gull.
The Knapweed in the meadow is looking lovely.
29/6/24 – 2 Nuthatch calling together in trees by entrance - first multiple count and first photo of one on site (16 previous records at OPS). Other big news is that the Coot pair have 3 small young on the lake - last bred here in 2019 (and bred nearly every year before that).
Large Skipper butterfly.
27/6/24 – The Oystercatchers still have all three juveniles (amazingly !) and a Roe Deer has two fawns.
26/6/24 – A Siskin over was the only bird of note this afternoon (28 degs C !). Jackie Miles reported an adult Moorhen with 2 juvs. in the pond by Lagoon 2. A butterfly count produced: 52 Meadow Brown, 10 Marbled White, 2 Ringlet (photo), 1 Brimstone, 1 Painted Lady, 1 Large Skipper and 1 Large White; helped by all the grass on site being left uncut this year. Also a Silver-Y Moth.
25/6/24 – A Kingfisher on Oldbury sluice this morning (thanks to the early dog walkers for putting me onto it). (That makes this June my equal best at OPS for variety with 82 bird species seen.) A juvenile Peregrine attacking (unsuccessfully) c50 Black-headed Gull on the Tidal Res.. That caused the Oystercatchers to wake up and fly around giving warning calls.
(#138 species for me at OPS this year, and #141 for all-comers.)
24/6/24 – A Barn Owl briefly hunting the saltmarsh this morning at 7am, by the old Windbound.
The same Harbour Porpoise as 2+ weeks ago (with wound on back) was hunting Mullet at the mouth of Oldbury Pill for 1+ hours, and went up the Pill 100 yards past the yacht club slipway. And the 3 Oystercatcher chicks are still doing well (they are very well camouflaged - see photo). Mike Prior reported a Great White Egret over to NW.
(#137 species for me at OPS this year, and #140 for all-comers.)
22/6/24 – A Nuthatch was a surprise this morning, calling 'doit, doit,...' from the old oak along the bridleway to shore. (Seen in 7 of last 10 years, but used to be very rare here - only 2 records in the 30 years before 2010. Increasing as oaks mature on site.)
The first juvenile Black-headed Gull was in a group of 27. And, a Kestrel that flew directly across the estuary - very unusual to see one do this, so must be a juvenile dispersing.
I thought I had found an exotic new tree species, but it was Alder with loads of 'Alder Tongue' in the fruits (caused by a a fungus) - see photo below. Also, lots of Sea Clover along the shore by Lagoons 1 & 2 - nationally rare, only relatively common along Severn and Thames Estuaries. (Smaller flowers and leaves than the White and Red Clovers also here. And with prickly fruit.)
(#136 species for me at OPS this year, and #139 for all-comers.)
21/6/24 – Andy Middleton reported: 4 Whimbrel, 1 Lapwing and a Cuckoo at Yacht Club.
Bird's-foot-trefoil looking splendid on the shore - from photos, seems to be Narrow-leaved, a new species for OPS. (Somehow this mass has been over-looked !)
20/6/24 – Over HT this morning, some return migration already at the yacht club: 2 Common Tern (first of the year), 4 Lapwing, 1 Whimbrel, 1 Redshank, 1 Curlew, 27 Black-headed Gull and 2 Common Gull.
The Oystercatcher family still on the shore - Video. Also a Cuckoo still calling and a juvenile Stonechat between yacht club and Lagoon 3.
(#135 species for me at OPS this year, and #138 for all-comers.)
19/6/24 – This afternoon, the Oystercatcher family still on the shore, 4 Dunlin (probably early returning non-breeders) at Shepperdine and a male Stonechat at a surprise location, on the jetty.
18/6/24 – This afternoon, Heather England photo'd the Oystercatchers on the shore with THREE chicks !
This morning, 7 Avocet - one feeding on shore at yacht club and 6 flew from Aust Cliffs across to far shore, then upriver to feed on shore. The Oystercatcher pair still have both chicks. Also, 5 Little Egret, a juv. Stonechat still and many juveniles fresh out the nest: 2 Cetti's Warbler, a Robin, 2+ Linnets and a Peregrine around the towers still not mastered the air. Shelduck broods now number: 9, 8 and 1. And the Pyramidal Orchids are looking very nice.
14/6/24 – The Oystercatcher pair have TWO young chicks ! Video.
12/6/24 – The Oystercatcher pair have a young chick ! Video (taken through two security fences). The first successful nest of the species at OPS, and the first confirmed wader species to breed anywhere at the site or nearby since Lapwing on Lagoon 1 in 1998, and most years before then. (Closest recently was Little Ringed Plover in 2012 which nested on Lagoon 3, but no young seen. They last successfully bred in 1983 on Lagoon 2 with 3 young.)
10/6/24 – Andy Middleton's WeBS count: fem. Tufted Duck, 43 Mallard, 27 Shelduck, 2 Mute Swan, 60 Canada Goose, 26 Moorhen, 1 Coot, 1 Little Grebe, 1 Cormorant, 2 Grey Heron, 1 Little Egret, 2 Oystercatcher (one still sitting, one standing guard), 1 juv. Stonechat and 16 Swallow.
8/6/24 – One of the Crane from yesterday returned NE inland of Lagoon 2 at 7am. (The Oystercatcher is still sat on the nest.)
(#134 species for me at OPS this year, and #137 for all-comers.)
7/6/24 – Andy Middleton had 3 Crane circling over Oldbury village, and then heading SW this morning at 9:15am. (Last here in 2016.) This afternoon, the Pied Wagtail pair on the jetty have fledged 2+ juvs.. (The Oystercatcher eggs should hatch in next 3 days, as they have been brooded for 24 days now.)
6/6/24 – A Harbour Porpoise close to shore just upriver of the jetty at 7am this morning. (It appears to have an injury on its back.) A video where it rises four times.
4/6/24 – At the yacht club: 10 juv. Shelduck still, the pair of Stonechat with 2 juvs. and a family group of 5 Raven. And I wonder if the yacht club are going to leave any of the lovely meadows uncut this year ? The annual sad sight of Skylarks singing over the cut grassy farm fields where their nests were, this morning.
2/6/24 – Still waders at Shepperdine: 10 Ringed Plover and 25 Dunlin.
And these Oxeye Daisies were looking very summery.
1/6/24 – A Gadwall in the Pill, 2 Whimbrel (one calling) and at Shepperdine still: 18 Ringed Plover and 14 Dunlin.
31/5/24 – The first brood of 10 Shelduck with parents on shore at yacht club. Andy Middleton reported 38 Ringed Plover and 18 Dunlin at Shepperdine before HT.
29/5/24 – The Stonechat pair have fledged 2 young by the yacht club. Two broods of 6 and 4 Canada Goose are in the Pill. And these Alder Leaf Beetles are all over an Alder bush in the NW corner of Lagoon 2.
25/5/24 – My first Sanderling of the year, with a flock of 35 Ringed Plover and 25 Dunlin at Shepperdine before HT.
(#133 species for me at OPS this year, and #136 for all-comers.)
Excellent photos by Dave Staley - thanks !
24/5/24 – 2 Coot now on the lake. And the pair of Stonechat still at the yacht club.
23/5/24 – Andy Middleton reported, a new brood of 2 Little Grebe from the second pair on the lake, and a Gadwall at the yacht club.
21/5/24 – This morning, over high tide, 2 Avocet flew upriver, and, remarkably, a Coot was on the estuary (and the one from yesterday was also still on the lake).
20/5/24 – A Coot was on the lake today (last here on 3rd Jan.).
18/5/24 – One Cuckoo still around. And a Slow Worm yesterday by the pond next to Lagoon 2.
16/5/24 – A pair of Stonechat were taking food to a nest by the yacht club this morning. On the lake, an OPS record count of 8 Little Grebe (pr + 4 juvs, and another pair), and 2 Greylag. The Canada Goose pair with 6 goslings are settled in at the yacht club.
15/5/24 – 4 Grey Plover on the shore and 20 Moorhen (6 ad, 14 juv) on the lake. Plus butterflies: 1 Brown Argus, 1 Painted Lady.
14/5/24 – There were 2 juv. Mute Swan stood on a sandbank in the Tidal Res. at 7am this morning, which I 'scoped from the seawall by Lagoon 2, and as I had the 'scope up I thought I would check a group of large gulls next to them. They were the usual mix of juveniles, but I got to one LBB Gull that was stood upside-down! It had black underneath and white on top. I let out an expletive-ridden gasp, meaning, "what is that ?" The bird then lifted its head from preening and it was an adult drake Eider. It had a paddle round the reservoir, including a couple of dives (video), then sat on the Res. wall, and was still around at midday, when the tide pushed it upriver.
Only the 4th record for OPS; a pair drifting upriver on tide in May 2022, 5 flew upriver in June 1994 and 18 flew downriver in Oct. 1993 (during an exceptional inland movement).
The pair of Oystercatcher are still nesting on the demolition site. And I counted the warblers on the lagoons early morning: 24 Reed Warbler (12xL2,12xL3), only 3 Sedge Warbler (1xL2,2xL3), 12 Whitethroat (7xL2,5xL3), 3 Lesser Whitethroat (2xL2,1xL3), only 1 Cetti's Warbler and 20 Chiffchaff (11xL2, 5xL3, 4xOther). Also 17 Wren, 7 Dunnock and 2 Red Kite.
(#132 species for me at OPS this year, and #136 for all-comers.)
13/5/24 – The Canada Goose pair have walked their 3-day old goslings to the estuary from the lake for the 4th year ! I saw them doing it this year, as they were on the seawall just SW of Lagoon 3 this morning. Unfortunately a Carrion Crow grabbed one of the goslings, and they lost 2 more, so ended up with 6 when they swam down to the yacht club.
In other surprising news - a pair of Oystercatcher are nesting on the demolition site of what was the large hall at the SW end of the industrial site. And 3 Sandwich Tern flew slowly downriver, lingering around Littleton for a few minutes.
Also note the photo of a Hobby taken by Tony Krajewski on Saturday, below.
12/5/24 – Andy Middleton's WeBS count: 2 Great Crested Grebe on the Tidal Res., than drifted upriver with tide, 7 Little Grebe (pr & 4 juv, and an ad), 3 Whimbrel, 45 Mallard, Canada Goose pair with 9 goslings on lake and 4 Cuckoo.
(#131 species for me at OPS this year, and #135 for all-comers.)
Tony Krajewski photo'd the 9 goslings and a Hobby over Lagoon 2 yesterday.
11/5/24 – Some good waders early morning: 1 Avocet, a summer plumaged Grey Plover, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 19 Ringed Plover, 10 Dunlin and 1 Common Sandpiper. Then a probable Little Tern upriver with typical erratic flight. And at Shepperdine, a Short-eared Owl out over the estuary (video), then flew right past me only 50 yards away and continued upriver along the shore. Lastly, two families of Long-tailed Tit fresh out the nest.
(#130 species for me at OPS this year, and #133 for all-comers.)
Shame it didn't turn round for second (uncropped) photo.
10/5/24 – The Canada Goose has 4 goslings on the lake. (The male was not around.) They are a couple of weeks later than in recent years. The female started sitting on (or before) 9th April this year. Will the parents walk them all the way to Oldbury village this year, like the last 3 years ?! And the first orchid out.
1st on nest 1st fledged juvs. Incubation (days) No.of juvs.
05/04/2005 07/05/2005 37 3 (first breeding at OPS)
14/04/2006 06/05/2006 22 6
27/04/2008 30/05/2008 33 1+
29/03/2009 02/05/2009 34 5
27/03/2010 01/05/2010 35 6
26/03/2011 01/05/2011 36 3
24/03/2012 21/04/2012 28 3
31/03/2013 failed (successful 2nd pair) 3
04/04/2014 02/05/2014 28 3
31/03/2015 04/05/2015 34 4
02/04/2016 04/05/2016 32 1
23/03/2017 21/04/2017 29 6
25/03/2018 failed
21/03/2019 20/04/2019 30 7
23/03/2020 22/04/2020 30 7
23/03/2021 23/04/2021 31 7
21/03/2022 21/04/2022 31 8
01/04/2023 28/04/2023 27 7
7/5/24 – A Bar-headed Goose (or cross with Barnacle/Greylag?) flew from estuary up Oldbury Pill and 3 Mute Swan (juv flew onto estuary and an adult pair flew into Oldbury Pill then later on the lake). At Pillhead Gout over HT: 25 Whimbrel, 17 Dunlin, 5 Ringed Plover, 4 Bar-tailed Godwit and Andy Middleton reported a Knot, a Common Sandpiper and a Great White Egret (upriver). And some migration to NE in murky conditions: 91 Swallow, 2 Swift, 1 House Martin and 1 Sand Martin (AM).
6/5/24 – A pair of Raven with 2 juvs. on a pylon and the Kestrel pair have young in the vent hole below the nest platform on the towers (male seen passing food in this morning).
Some late news - a Short-eared Owl flushed from Lagoon 3 on Saturday.
One of only two Sedge Warblers this year.
4/5/24 – Two male Cuckoo calling this morning (Lagoons 2 & 3) - video. My first Redpoll of the year high over to NW and 2 Siskin over.
Plus a few waders: a summer plumaged Grey Plover, 4 Whimbrel, 2 Dunlin and a Ringed Plover.
In the afternoon, TK reported 2 Sanderling (photo below) and 2 Ringed Plover.
(#128 species for me at OPS this year, and #132 for all-comers.)
Note the Blackcap in the photo below.
Photos from Tony Krajewski in the afternoon: Sanderling, Reed Warbler and Roe Deer buck on the seawall.
3/5/24 – 11 Tufted Duck on the lake (6m, 5f) - the most since 12 in 2019. And 3 Gadwall (2m, 1f) along the shore this afternoon.
2/5/24 – A 3rd-year, almost in adult plumage, Yellow-legged Gull upriver along the near bank, and the Cuckoo still calling around the site.
(#127 species for me at OPS this year, and #131 for all-comers.)
1/5/24 – The Cuckoo calling again, and very mobile around the whole site. The lake is very productive this year: 4 juv Little Grebe still, 2 new Moorhen juvs., and broods of Mallard juvs of 10, 4+ & 2.
30/4/24 – The first Cuckoo of the year was calling from the south end of Lagoon 2 this morning - Hurray! Matt Plenty had 2 Whinchat just downriver of Pillhead Gout.
(#126 species for me at OPS this year, and #130 for all-comers.)
29/4/24 – A lovely Wood Warbler in Sallows next to path in W corner of Lagoon 3, calling and singing occasionally. (An excellent video for a change.) Also, 29 Whimbrel and 4 Wheatear still at yacht club and 14 Reed Warbler (photo below) singing. Matt Plenty found a Hairy Dragonfly by the lake - a new species for OPS !
Photos by MP showing the hairs that identify this species.
27/4/24 – Some movement in continuous rain and a cold NE wind: my first 41 Swift (flocks of 20,12,9), 57 Swallow, 46 House Martin and 6 Sand Martin. 4 Whimbrel at Shepperdine.
(#125 species for me at OPS this year, and #129 for all-comers.)
26/4/24 – A juv. Goshawk circling inland of Lagoon 2, with a flock of corvids panicking around it, and 2 Carrion Crow hassling it until it went to SE. The Little Grebe pair have 4 juvs. on the lake. And a predated Song Thrush egg on the path of Lagoon 3.
25/4/24 – At last the Whitethroats have arrived, with 9 around the site this morning, but still only a single Sedge Warbler (by the lake). A male Sparrowhawk hedge-hopped onto a male Blackbird and killed it.
23/4/24 – Some vismig this morning in overcast conditions and into a NE breeze: a pair of Goosander at 7:45am (video), 2 drake (one adult) Common Scoter flew downriver, then back up, 2 drake Gadwall (first for year), c50 Bar-tailed Godwit (at 7:05am), 1 Skylark, 1 Collared Dove and 3 House Martin.
Matt Plenty also had (from Pillhead Gout): 33 Whimbrel, another 15 Bar-tailed Godwit,
a Swift (first of year), 2 Yellow Wagtail, 5 Wheatear, 90 Swallow and 10 Sand Martin.
The Reed Warblers have finally arrived back, with 11 chirping in the reeds, but Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat are still very low in number.
(#123 species for me at OPS this year, and #128 for all-comers.)
Photos by MP of Whimbrels and Bar-tailed Godwits (showing winter plumage of bird on right of group and breeding plumage).
22/4/24 – 2 Great White Egret over Lagoon 2 to NE, a Tree Pipit flew from Lagoon 3 to NE (first for year), 37 Whimbrel on the shore (inc. 33 reported by Andy Middleton at yacht club), and 6 Bar-tailed Godwit (reported by AM). 6 Black-tailed Godwit reported.
(#120 species for me at OPS this year, and #124 for all-comers.)
The two Great White Egret and Bogbean looking nice on the shallow pond by the visitor centre.
21/4/24 – 30 Bar-tailed Godwit, 10 Whimbrel, 1 Knot and 2 Greylag Goose along the shore this evening.
20/4/24 – A cold but sunny start this morning. An Arctic Tern around the Tidal Res. at HT; 12 Whimbrel and a Greylag Goose at the yacht club. 7 Tufted Duck (3 pairs + male) on the lake. One of 5 Lesser Whitethroat video'd singing in the open.
19/4/24 – This evening, a beautiful Arctic Tern feeding along the Tidal Res. shore at HT. Also, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit, c15 Dunlin, c10 Ringed Plover, 15 Oystercatcher and 14 Swallow (to N). The Little Grebe pair have 3 young. Plus a Redpoll reported.
18/4/24 – The first 4 Whimbrel of the year flying around the estuary, giving 'whimpering' call (or should that be 'whimbreling'?).
Also: 5 Wheatear (over the pill from yacht club), 6 Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Reed Warbler, 3 Willow Warbler, but only 3 Whitethroat and 1 Sedge Warbler.
And 3 Bar-tailed Godwit on the shore at yacht club, a Swallow around the yacht club, a Sand Martin and 10 Mallard ducklings on the lake.
(#118 species for me at OPS this year, and #123 for all-comers.)
16/4/24 – My first Sedge Warbler, singing by the lake.
(#117 species for me at OPS this year, and #122 for all-comers.)
15/4/24 – I got an absolute soaking walking from the car park to the bench at Shepperdine,
but my fist scan of the estuary picked-up a Diver species about a mile upriver and quite high up,
battling into a strong WSW wind, as it made its way downriver.
'Scoping showed that it did not have the dagger-like bill or neck collar of Great Northern Diver,
so at that point I switched to binoculars held by one hand as I got the camera out of the bag with the other hand.
By now the bird was over the Tidal Reservoir, and as it went past me at about 150 yards range,
I managed to get two photos and a very short video.
I had to wait until I was home to study the images properly and come to the conclusion of a Black-throated Diver
- a first for OPS and only 6th for S. Gloucs..
I also had a Wood Warbler calling "tu, tu, tu, tu" for 5 minutes and sub-singing in some sun (but not seen).
There was a surprising amount of passage (mainly to NW): a Red Kite, a Yellow Wagtail, 4 House Martin, 20 Dunlin (upriver), 11 Linnet (NE) and 4 Goldfinch (SW).
The Little Grebe pair have 2+ juveniles (being carried on the back of an adult) on the lake.
(#116 species for me at OPS this year, and #122 for all-comers.)
13/4/24 – A nice warm (but hazy) morning. The
earliest Whinchat for OPS (by 4 days) was in the demolition area near the jetty. Also, singing around the site: 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Whitethroat, 3 Reed Warbler and the first Sedge Warbler of the year (latter found by Matt Plenty).
It has been a ridiculously early spring this year, with the following records of early migrants (old earliest OPS record in brackets): Common Sandpiper 6/4/24 (7/4/2010), Arctic Tern 9/4/24 (15/4/2012), Yellow Wagtail 6/4/24 (10/4/2020), Whitethroat 4/4/24 (4/4/2002), Pied Flycatcher 6/4/24 (14/4/2013 & 2018); and a couple of not quite earliest: Grasshopper Warbler 8/4/24 (2 days after 6/4/2020), Reed Warbler 8/4/24 (one day later than 7/4/20).
(#114 species for me at OPS this year, and #120 for all-comers.)
11/4/24 – The first Lesser Whitethroat of the spring, singing by the lake and 2 House Martin in Oldbury village.
(#113 species for me at OPS this year, and #118 for all-comers.)
10/4/24 – 5 Tufted Duck on the lake (3m) and a female Wheatear at the yacht club.
Andy Middleton organised a litter pick along the shore - 7 people cleaned the whole length from Shepperdine to Oldbury sluice - Marvellous work ! Thanks.
9/4/24 – 6 Arctic Tern downriver at 7:30am in strong W wind, and a Grasshopper Warbler reeling at S end of Lagoon 3.
(#111 species for me at OPS this year, and #116 for all-comers.)
And a Carrion Crow killing and eating a Toad on the tideline!
8/4/24 – Matt Plenty found 2 Grasshopper Warbler reeling at each end of Lagoon 2, and the first Reed Warbler for this year there; and Andy Middleton had another 2 Reed Warbler on Lagoon 3.
At the yacht club over HT: 4 Bar-tailed Godwit, 3 Black-tailed Godwit (first of year), 5+ Common Sandpiper, 170 Curlew, 19 Oystercatcher, 32 Redshank and 1 Dunlin. Also, 2 Whitethroat singing (Lagoon 2 and by metal gate) and 2 Sand Martin over.
AM's WeBS count: 28 Mallard, 27 Shelduck, 5 Teal, 4 Tufted Duck (2 pairs), 1 Snipe, 24 Chiffchaff and a Common Seal close in off Lagoon 3.
(#110 species for me at OPS this year, and #115 for all-comers.)
Whitethroat and 3 Bar-tailed Godwit.
6/4/24 – Over the evening tide: 4 Sandwich Tern and a 1st-w Little Gull went downriver at 6:35pm; and a Redstart at S end of Lagoon 2.
An excellent morning for migrant birds, and 16 deg C (SW wind). 2 male Pied Flycatcher are the first here since 2018 and the earliest by 8 days. Matt Plenty found a third (immature male) giving the highest OPS count (and first multiple count since 1994). At yacht club over HT: an Avocet, the first Common Sandpiper of the year, a Grey Plover, only 2 Dunlin, 13 Oystercatcher, 36 Redshank, c80 Curlew, 1 Teal and a pair of Pintail downriver. Vismig: 1 Yellow Wagtail (first of year), 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 Siskin and my first 3 Swallow. A Whitethroat was singing by the metal kissing-gate near yacht club. 65 species seen today, inc. 8 new for year. (#107 species for me at OPS this year, and #112 for all-comers.)
4/4/24 – A Firecrest singing and calling (video (turn sound up!)) in pines by the meadow (next to the car park) this morning (after rain) and the equal earliest Whitethroat for OPS singing from a bush on Lagoon 2, briefly. Also: 6 Blackcap and 5 Willow Warbler singing. (#99 species for me at OPS this year, and #105 for all-comers.)
Best I could do in half hour chasing the Firecrest.
1/4/24 – 4 Willow Warbler singing, and butterflies: 6 Brimstone and 2 Small Tortoiseshell.
Managed to photo an elusive Cetti's Warbler.
30/3/24 – 4 Mute Swan this morning; 3 adults downriver and a juv. upriver. Heather England reported: 2 Peregrine, female Black Redstart (jetty), 4 Reed Bunting, 2 Stonechat (male singing), 3 Wheatear (yacht club), plus Brimstone and Tortoiseshell butterflies. Louise Bailey reported a Speckled Wood butterfly.
28/3/24 – A lovely sunny morning (before rain !) - the first Willow Warbler singing by the lake, 3 Blackcap singing and a Wheatear. Over HT: 4 Grey Plover (inc. one on seawall by Lagoons 1/2), just 1 Dunlin, 130 Curlew, 6 Oystercatcher and a Snipe. (#97 species for me at OPS this year, and #103 for all-comers.)
27/3/24 – A pair of Tufted Duck on the lake and 3 Sand Martin through Lagoon 1 to SW.
26/3/24 – Lois Pryce reported a Great White Egret flying over the lake. (Species #102 for all-comers.)
22/3/24 – 3 Wheatear at the yacht club (earlier by the jetty, reported by Louise Bailey), a Red Kite at Shepperdine and a female Black Redstart also reported by LB. The Mute Swan pair still on the lake, and a Weasel along the path on Lagoon 3. (#96 species for me at OPS this year, and #101 for all-comers.)
Little Egrets in evening light by Dave Staley.
21/3/24 – The first 5 Sand Martin flew to SW, into breeze this morning, and 25 Redwing also to SW. The first pair of Tufted Duck for the year were on the estuary. 11 Little Egret were by Oldbury sluice, then went upriver. At yacht club: 6 Knot, 2 Grey Plover and c190 Curlew. My first singing Blackcap of the year was at SW end of Lagoon 3 (3 days later than earliest in 2021). And 4 Little Grebe in breeding plumage were chasing and vocal on the lake. Lois Pryce reported 3 Mute Swan (a pair on the lake and another over). (#95 species for me at OPS this year, and #101 for all-comers.)
20/3/24 – 27 Golden Plover still on the shore at Shepperdine this afternoon and 8 Little Egret in flooded field to SW of Lagoon 3.
18/3/24 – 76 Golden Plover on the shore at Shepperdine after HT and 15 Chiffchaff around site (13 singing). (#93 species for me at OPS this year, and #99 for all-comers.)
15/3/24 – Heather England photographed the first Wheatear of the year at the yacht club.
9/3/24 – A Knot on shore by Lagoon 3 is new this year for me (#92). Vismig (wind from ENE): 100+ Meadow Pipit, 200 Woodpigeon, 2 Stock Dove, 13 Pied/White Wagtail, 2 Siskin and 12 Lesser Black-backed Gull. Also, 2 Greylag with 20+ Canada Goose at Littleton and a flock of 17 Long-tailed Tit flew along the fence past the jetty.
8/3/24 – 3 Little Grebe on the lake still (2 in breeding plumage, and one in winter plumage). Some late news - there was some shell from a Pheasant egg on the path round Lagoon 3 a couple of days ago. Morris Benson reported a Red Kite over the carpark, going towards the estuary.
7/3/24 – Good vismig this morning into ENE breeze: 520 Woodpigeon, 4 Stock Dove, 1 Yellowhammer, 8 Siskin, c15 Meadow Pipit, 6 Chaffinch, 18 Jackdaw (in with Woodpigeons), 4 Lesser Black-backed Gull, c50 Black-headed Gull, c20 Common Gull. A Red Kite went SW at 9am and a Merlin was flying high, then went lower towards the yacht club in hunting-mode. And 7 Chiffchaff (6 singing) around the site. 59 species - best this year. Lois Pryce reported 4 Green Woodpecker and a Blackcap singing at S end of Lagoon 2. A probable Sand Martin reported at Oldbury sluice yesterday.
6/3/24 – A beautiful, sunny, afternoon - first coatless day this year (12 degs C). The male Black Redstart was near the building next to the waste-ground (near jetty) and 2 Chiffchaff on Lagoon 3. Martin Preedy reported the Kestrel pair mating on a pylon.
Colt's-Foot flowering on the waste-ground.
5/3/24 – Peter Coslett reported 3 Black Redstart downriver of the jetty (TWO females and a male).
4/3/24 – Andy Middleton reported: the male Black Redstart in wasteland inside security fence (near jetty) and a Red Kite over Lagoon 3.
2/3/24 – A pair of Greylag landed on the lake, but chased off by resident Canada Goose.
Snow on the 'Mountains of Aust'.
1/3/24 – I found a Raven sitting on a nest this morning.
"You have 15 minutes to get back to the car!"
29/2/24 – A Merlin near the yacht club (then flew across estuary), a Chiffchaff singing in Lagoon 3 reeds (not quite earliest - 9/2/2008), 5 Stonechat around and the Canada Goose pair nest-prospecting. (#91 for me at OPS this year.)
27/2/24 – A Brambling calling from trees by pond in S corner of Lagoon 3 (but only located when it flew) and 8 Stonechat (3 x L3, rest on shore nearby). Species #90 for me at OPS this year.
26/2/24 – Andy Middleton reported: the female Black Redstart, 5 Stonechat and 4 Grey Plover.
25/2/24 – Matt Plenty reported: 2 Black Redstart (m & f) near jetty (male singing !) and a Lesser Redpoll.
24/2/24 – 2 Black Redstart (m & f) near jetty and 13 Stonechat between jetty and yacht club (7m, 6f).
20/2/24 – All the action was on the lake this morning, as the annual 'battle of the lake' begins between the newly arrived Mute Swan pair and the Canada Goose pair that arrived on Saturday. Also the pair of Little Grebe were noisily seeing off the third one.
Signs of spring.
19/2/24 – An adult Mediterranean Gull and a male Shoveler on the estuary this afternoon. The first two new species for the year since 26th Jan.; #89 for me at OPS this year, and #94 for all-comers. Also, the female Black Redstart and 10 Stonechat by the jetty (plus another pair of Stonechat at the yacht club).
17/2/24 – Matt Plenty/Heather England reported: 3 Black Redstart (2 male), 12 Stonechat between jetty and yacht club (with another pair at Shepperdine) and a Siskin over to N.
Photos of all three Black Redstarts below by HE.
15/2/24 – Lots of Toads in the pond by Lagoon 2, including a mating scrum.
14/2/24 – The adult male Black Redstart was on the waste ground again early afternoon (Matt Plenty), and then on the security fence between there and Lagoon 3 mid-afternoon - video.
13/2/24 – Pillhead Gout before HT: 4 Grey Plover, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 8 Oystercatcher, 1000 Dunlin, 50 Curlew and a Little Grebe in Oldbury Pill. Also 14 Greenfinch leaving overnight roost in brambles.
12/2/24 – A female Marsh Harrier over Lagoon 2 reedbed this afternoon in the sun - video.
And the ad m Black Redstart was inland of jetty (on waste-ground).
Andy Middleton's WeBS: 92 Wigeon, 72 Teal, 23 Shelduck, 38 Mallard, 3 Little Grebe, 1 Jack Snipe, 20 Snipe,
1000 Dunlin, 32 Redshank, 45 Lapwing, 7 Oystercatcher, 120 Turnstone,
4 Little Egret, 2 Peregrine, 4 Stonechat and 50 Fieldfare.
10/2/24 – This morning, nice to see the estuary without rain for the first time in a week ! A surprise flock of 11 Mute Swan flew inland along Oldbury Pill and 4 Pintail (3 male, including one displaying to a female). The Damsons are flowering around the site. The female Black Redstart was reported on Birdguides.
3/2/24 – 3 Little Grebe on the lake, early morning.
1/2/24 – Female Black Redstart on the jetty and 6 Raven flying around the towers 'kronking' this morning, and briefly touched-down together.
31/1/24 – The 3 Cattle Egret with a Little Egret in same field by road, a Mistle Thrush in the orchard and 2 Little Grebe on the lake (one making a 'trilling' sound in display).
30/1/24 – Two Cattle Egret in the field by the entrance again. 3 Mute Swan flew downriver at HT, plus the pair on the lake. Also, at HT: 26 Oystercatcher, 11 Little Egret and c1,000 Dunlin. Plus, 4 Stonechat (3 male) and a Skylark singing, between Lagoon 3 and yacht club.
29/1/24 – Andy Middleton reported: 3 Cattle Egret with a Little Egret in same field, a female Yellowhammer at the yacht club, 1200 Dunlin, 20 Snipe, 120 Wigeon and 51 Teal.
28/1/24 – Barry Dursley reported: the female Black Redstart at the jetty and 3+ Siskin in the orchard.
27/1/24 – Two Cattle Egret in the field by the entrance again at dawn. Terry Winter reported the female Black Redstart by the jetty (nice photo by TW below).
26/1/24 – A single Cattle Egret was in the field by the entrance in the afternoon, a distant Red Kite down estuary and a pair of Tawny Owl calling. Louise Bailey reported: the ad male Black Redstart by the jetty, 2 Blackcap in The Anchor carpark and 4 Grey Plover (photo by LB on left below). Species #87 for me at OPS this year, and #92 for all-comers.
25/1/24 – 3 Mistle Thrush in 'The Plantation' wood on way to yacht club and 5 Grey Plover over HT at Pillhead Gout.
23/1/24 – 3 Cattle Egret with 4 Little Egret in field on right of approach road, feeding (8:30-10:15am at least). Video. The lake is now unfrozen but 4 of 7 Moorhen seen were along the track to Lagoon 3 from the road. And the first Snowdrop was poking through.
20/1/24 – 2 Cattle Egret flew low from S (inland) diagonally across Lagoon 2 and then upriver. And a probable Short-eared Owl reported by dog-walker flushed from saltmarsh near yacht club 'about 3 weeks ago'. The lake is still frozen and 6 Moorhen were on the grass between the lake and the (unfrozen) rhine; also 8 Teal on the main rhine. Species #85 for me at OPS this year, and #90 for all-comers.
19/1/24 – Heavy frost and -5 deg C again this morning. 5 Pintail (3 male) on Tidal Res., c300 Redwing and c100 Fieldfare feeding on unfrozen patches of fields.
18/1/24 – A heavy frost and -5 deg C this morning. The only bird species I added to the year-list was Feral Pigeon. But c100 Redwing in the hedges. And the 3 Ringed Plover were feeling the cold. Species #84 for me at OPS this year, and #88 for all-comers.
16/1/24 – A cold morning (-1 deg C) brought some new birds in. A 2nd-year male Marsh Harrier was hunting on Lagoon 3 at dawn; my first Jack Snipe for over a year was flushed from the saltmarsh at Shepperdine by the tide and flew to a field; and a Bar-tailed Godwit was with Curlews at the yacht club then flew to far side of estuary. HT at yacht club: 3 Grey Plover, c700 Dunlin, c200 Lapwing and 36 Canada Goose + the Canada x Greylag (photo below). The female Black Redstart was at the jetty. The lake was 100% frozen with just 1 Moorhen on the ice. 56 species today. Species #83 for me at OPS this year, and #88 for all-comers.
15/1/24 – 3 Water Rail, 4 Jay in the orchard, 20 Fieldfare and a Rock Pipit at Shepperdine.
Andy Middleton's WeBS count: 36 Mallard, 73 Wigeon, 31 Teal, 34 Redshank, 400 Dunlin, 70 Lapwing,
95 Turnstone, 21 Curlew, 35 Canada Goose, 17 Snipe, female Black Redstart, 4 Stonechat, 120 Redwing,
and 35 Linnet.
Water Rail at the back of the reeds, from Lagoon 3.
14/1/24 – The female Black Redstart and 3 Stonechat by the jetty. Also 83 Lapwing, a Grey Wagtail and 5 Cormorant.
13/1/24 – An enjoyable Bristol Ornithological Club walk this morning: a Water Pipit again on the saltmarsh near the squeaky gate, the adult male Black Redstart at the jetty (and the female photo'd by HE later, below) and 5 Stonechat (+ a different two reported). 15 visitors saw 52 species.
11/1/24 – A frosty morning with some good birds. 2 Water Pipit flew up from the saltmarsh between the yacht club and the squeaky gate, with 15 Meadow Pipit, and a male Yellowhammer. And a male Siskin feeding in Alders (with 4 Goldfinch) in W corner of Lagoon 3. A male Blackcap and a Mistle Thrush were on Mistletoe in the Anchor Inn car park. 55 species today, best so far this year. Species #80 for me at OPS this year, and #85 for all-comers.
Siskin and Yellowhammer.
A leucistic Pheasant photo'd in Oldbury village by Christabelle Tymko.
10/1/24 – Lois Pryce reported 8 Knot. The Little Grebe and Mute Swan pair were still on the lake and a Chiffchaff along the shore fence by waterworks. Species #76 for me at OPS this year, and #81 for all-comers.
9/1/24 – Heather England reported in the afternoon: the female Black Redstart (on the jetty saltmarsh), and a Little Grebe on the lake.
A chilly morning (1 deg C); 10 Skylark were the only addition to the OPS year-list,
and I added the 2 Mute Swan on the lake to mine. A big flock of Fieldfare and Redwing were feeding on the field next to the main rhine,
counted at c500 and roughly split 50:50.
Species #75 for me at OPS this year, and #80 for all-comers.
Some late news from Saturday 6th Jan, when I counted c9,000 gulls on the water of the estuary in the evening roost.
The light was not good enough to see species, but from proportions of gulls flying in, estimates are:
c6,000 Black-headed Gull, c2,000 Common Gull and c1,000 Herring Gull!
8/1/24 – Andy Stockhausen reported a Whooper Swan flying high downriver, calling, at 10am; and a Lesser Redpoll on the feeders. Andy Middleton reported: 2 Black Redstart (ad male seen from Lagoon 2 on fence by recycling bins, and female by jetty), 6 Stonechat (3 x Yacht Club, 3 x Jetty area), 2 Mute Swan back on the lake, 127 Curlew, 289 Wigeon, 60 Teal, 65 Carrion Crow, 6 Dunnock, 13 Great Tit and 100 Herring Gull. Species #73 for me at OPS this year, and #78 for all-comers.
7/1/24 – Mike Prior reported this morning: 2 Peregrine (nice photo by MP below), 10+ Bullfinch, 1 Water Rail (Lagoon 2), 50+ Redwing, 20+ Fieldfare, the female Black Redstart (by jetty) and 2 Reed Bunting. Morris Benson had the male Black Redstart from Lagoon 2. The only species I added to the OPS year-list this afternoon was 3 Ringed Plover on shore by Lagoon 1. Also a pair of Stonechat on Lagoon 3. Species #73 for me at OPS this year, and #75 for all-comers.
Peregrine by Mike Prior.
Ringed Plover and Stonechat.
6/1/24 – It all kicked-off this afternoon, when Barry Dursley found an Avocet on the shore by Lagoon 3 at 2:30pm
and then at 3pm Dave Staley found 8 Waxwing in a tree by the pond next to Lagoon 2 ! (Last recorded at OPS in 2012.)
A lovely sunny and still morning, with a light frost.
A surprise adult male Black Redstart in the sun on small buildings on SE side of power station.
The only other species added to the OPS year-list was Kestrel.
Ian Armour photo'd the female Black Redstart again this morning (by jetty again) and also had a Pintail on the Tidal Res. by Lagoon 3.
Species #72 for me at OPS this year, and #74 for all-comers.
Superb photos by Dave Staley !
Ad m Black Redstart this morning.
Even better photos than yesterday of Black Redstart and Heron by Ian Armour.
5/1/24 – 6 Pintail (3 pairs) at Shepperdine. And a female Black Redstart photographed by Ian Armour by the jetty. Also, 6 Grey Plover, a good count of 20 Oystercatcher, a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming and 3 Stonechat (pr at yacht club, m on L3). Species #70 for me at OPS this year, and #71 for all-comers.
Excellent photos of Black Redstart and Long-tailed Tit by Ian Armour - thanks !
4/1/24 – No rain ! And so the first chance this year for a proper look round the site. Watching the tide start to come in at Shepperdine, at 9:30am a 1st-winter Grey Phalarope flew in and settled on the water to feed in the middle of the estuary. I watched it for 5 minutes as it drifted slowly upriver on the tide. Andy Stockhausen reported it at 1pm as it drifted back down again. (The last one reported at OPS was in 2020, and only 8 previous OPS records.) Also, 9 Greylag Goose flew across the estuary from the far side and continued inland. At Pillhead Gout at HT: 13 Little Egret (OPS record count!), 5 Grey Plover, 15 Oystercatcher and c800 Dunlin. When shooting started inland, c550 Woodpigeon, 15 Fieldfare and c100 Redwing flew from woods. Also new for the year: a Reed Bunting, Green Woodpecker, Sparrowhawk and 2 Water Rail calling. Species #68 for me at OPS this year, and #69 for all-comers.
7 of the 9 Greylags.
3/1/24 – A Chiffchaff in the reeds on Lagoon 3. Species #59 for me at OPS this year, and #60 for all-comers.
The lake has burst its banks and the Coot is still there.
2/1/24 – This morning in rain: a Cetti's Warbler, a Coot, a Mistle Thrush, a Rock Pipit, 4 Stock Dove, 2 Stonechat and 100 Snipe - flew out of saltmarsh as HT rose and flew around in a single flock.
Snipe and a rainbow.
Oldbury Pill flooded.
1/1/24 – Matt Plenty reported: a Coot on the lake, a singing Song Thrush and a Grey Wagtail.
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